Splash zone protection for risers, J-tubes, bends, and more

Protect Your Equipment from Costly Repairs and Lengthy Down Time Caused by Heat, Corrosion, or Collision Damage

SplashTRON® can be applied to numerous areas on an offshore platform and commonly used for pipeline coatings. Whether you need splash zone coatings for risers, J-Tubes, bends, spools, pipe field joint coatings, or have issues with bio-fouling, this is the product of choice in splash zone areas.

Mark Tool Co., Inc. would be proud to give you a quote for your business needs—just fill out this easy form today and we’ll be in touch.

We also manufacture custom cast urethane and rubber molded products for several oilfield and marine applications. Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility can handle every job, no matter how big or small. You can learn more about our processes through each category below.

Splash Zone Protection

The tough, yet flexible, SplashTRON® is uniformly bonded to the metal surface that will be exposed in the splash zone in thicknesses of 1/4″, 1/2″, 3/4″, and 1″. It resists impact damage, features exceptional weatherability, requires no routine maintenance, has excellent insulating properties (thermal and electrical), and can be used at temperatures from -45°F to 200°F.

Common applications of this product include pipeline coatings, platform structural members (legs and diagonals), conventional risers, pipelines pulled through J-tubes, conductors, and the lining of riser clamps. Mark Tool has coated offshore platforms with SplashTRON® for two decades.

The tough, long-lasting elastomer is applied to structural members exposed to the splash zone during fabrication. It provides complete protection against the erosive action of abrasive-laden seawater, the harsh attack of ozone and ultraviolet rays, incidental impact from boats and floating debris, and the effect of sea life which builds upon all offshore installations.


8" linepipe coated with SplashTRON

An important feature of SplashTRON® in pipeline coating application is the fact that it is completely and permanently bonded to the metal surface, and because it is flexible, it won’t crack or disbond as the members bend, expand, and contract. This product can be expected to protect against corrosion for the life of the platform. SplashTRON® continues to prove its effectiveness in the Gulf of Mexico and other offshore areas around the world for more than 30 years. It is used by the leading producers of oil and gas, and most transmission companies.

ThermoTRON 350®

ThermoTRON® is a special formulation of SplashTRON® designed for high-temperature applications. Visit our ThermoTRON 350® information page for details, specs, and testing completed.

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