Vulcanized Riser Clamps

SplashTRON® Vulcanized Riser Clamps

Mark Tool & Rubber has been vulcanizing riser clamps for the oil & gas industry with SplashTRON® for over 40 years. Vulcanization refers to a specific curing process of a rubber product involving high heat and the addition of sulfur or other equivalent curatives. It is a chemical process in which polymer molecules are linked to other polymer molecules by atomic bridges composed of sulfur atoms or carbon to carbon bonds.

The end result is that the springy rubber molecules become cross-linked to a greater or lesser extent. This makes the bulk material harder, much more durable, and also more resistant to chemical attack. Mark Tool & Rubber also can fabricate riser clamps to customer specification or drawings.

Vulcanized Riser Clamps

10-inch riser clamp that has been vulcanized with 1/2-inch SplashTRON® after coming out of the autoclave

SplashTRON Vulcanized Riser Clamps

1/2-inch thick SplashTRON® vulcanized to the inner diameter (ID) of a 10-inch riser clamp

Vulcanized Ribbed Riser Clamps

20-inch ID riser clamps that have been vulcanized with SplashTRON®

SplashTRON® vulcanized ribbed riser clamps

20-inch ID riser clamps that have been vulcanized with ribbed SplashTRON®